Rechovot Ha-Nahar by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Rechovot Ha-Nahar by Uri Zvi Greenberg
Studies and Documents
Edited by: Avidov Lipsker, Tamar Wolf-Monzon
This volume serves to revive the critical discussion of this work, regarded as one of the great summits of modern Hebrew poetry. The articles deal with the question of the poem's validity as an historical document and the degree to which it represents the poetry of its period. Examined also is the work's outstanding reception by the public, which led to the poet's recognition by the establishment and his return to the national consensus after years of political ostracism. Includes studies of the linguistic and rhetorical characteristics of Rechovot Ha-Nahar as a model for Hebrew lamentation poetry and as a work that redefines forgotten areas of political and cultural strength necessary for the realization of personal and national salvation. The second section contains documents and some manuscripts of the poet that reveal unknown aspects regarding the creative process behind this work. This is the second volume in the series Studies and Documents on the Poetry of Uri Zvi Greenberg. The first book in the series Hamatkonet Vehadmut: Studies on the Poetry of Uri Zvi Greenberg was published in 2000. The third volume, Eyma Gedola Ve-Yareah by Uri Zvi Greenberg: Studies and Documents is in preparation.
Digital Edition ebook

Danacode:   110-20103 ISBN:  965-226-314-1 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   316 Weight:   800 gr Dimensions:  17X25 cm Publication Date:   02/2007 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

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