Rationalism in Hasidic Attire

Rationalism in Hasidic Attire
Habad's Harmonistic Approach to Maimonides
Jacob Gotlieb

This book analyzes the attitude of Habad philosophers to Maimonides, as well as the Habad exegesis to Maimonidean doctrines. Maimonides was not only viewed by Habad philosophers as an eminent philosopher and rabbinic sage, but as one who merited receiving a “high soul;” His words, therefore, express not only intellectual achievements, but represent a type of “spiritual” level that is beyond intellectual merit. At times, Maimonides’ words were understood as anticipating Habad teachings, and at other times as expressing Habad teachings, i.e., his words were interpreted in a Kabbalistic-Hassidic manner. This book traces the trends of development in the attitude of Habad thinkers to Maimonidean doctrines, setting out to prove that the issue of the Habadic perception of the Maimonidean doctrines is not negligible, as it might initially seem, but rather, plays a signigicant role in Habadic philosophy and is organically integrated therein. The book analyzes Habadic philosophy from its inception until today, as reflected in manuscripts from R. Shneur Zalman of Ladi through R. Menahem Mendel(ReMaM) Shneorson. The book demonstrates consistent perception of the Maimonidean doctrines, shared by all Habad scholars, developed with innovations and alterations, and reaching its peak with the life-work of the last Rabbi. It focuses mainly on the legacy of ReMaM., who brought this trend in the Habadic community to its final development. The book identifies different phases of development in ReMaM’s approach towards Maimonidean doctrines, his interpretation of the ‘Mishne Torah’ and the concept of the Messiah, also stemming from Maimonides. This book will appeal to all readers interested in the fundamental issues of Jewish Philosophy.
Digital Edition ebook

Danacode:   110-20140 ISBN:  978-965-226-344-5 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   240 Weight:   650 gr Dimensions:  17X24 cm Publication Date:   06/2009 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press