Jewish Society and Culture

Jewish Society and Culture
An Economic Perspective
Edited by: Carmel Chiswick, Nava Kahana, Tikva Lecker-Darvish
The economic analysis of religion is a new field in Economics, and the Economics of Judaism is emerging as an even newer subfield. Economics has entered the social science literature on religion in general and on Judaism in particular. Religion has entered the literature of Economics and Economic Demography as an interesting and important subject for analysis. The Economics of Judaism has moved from being a novelty at the margins of each of these fields to being an important area of inquiry in which there are many useful insights and new questions to be posed regarding Judaism, religion, and economic behaviors in general. The authors of the articles in this volume have applied different methods of economic analysis to Judaism as a religion and as a way of life. The articles are presented in three groups, according to their objectives and to the methods applied, to understand the full costs and benefits of Jewish life, to view Judaism itself from the perspective of its economic characteristics, and to consider the economic aspects of Jewish communities from an historical perspective. Each paper uses the methodology best suited to the particular task at hand. Together they illustrate various ways that economic analysis complements the insights provided by other fields of study to enhance our understanding of Jewish experience.
Digital Edition ebook

Danacode:   110-20105 ISBN:  965-226-317-6 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   206 Weight:   600 gr Publication Date:   08/2007 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

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