B.D.D.- Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu 21

B.D.D.- Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu 21
Journal of Torah and Scholarship
Edited by: Ely Merzbach


J. Jean Ajdler: Talmudic Metrology III: Units of Measure of Volume and Capacity 7*

Shmuel Avigdor Spero: Kavanah in Healing Prayer: An Experimental Approach 61*

Berel Dov Lerner: RaMBaM and Middle Knowledge: A Puzzle in the Lehem Mishneh 75*

Yehudah (Leo) Levi: Comments on J. Jean Ajdler’s Article, “Talmudic Metrology II: The Mile as a Measure of Time&rdquo, (B.D.D. 20, May 2008, pp. 5-37) 87*

Jean Ajdler’s Reply to Yehudah Levi’s Comments 91*

English Abstracts 93*

Index to Vols. 11-20 Edited by Shai Walter 97*

Subject Index

Hebrew Section

Isaac Hershkowitz: Vayehi Biyeshurun Hamelekh: Trends and Changes in the Two Population Censuses of Sefer Bamidbar 7

Zvi Weinberger: Humanity’s Responsibility for Preserving the Environment and our Planet 27

Joseph Klein: The Letter “vav&rdquo, and other Characters of the Hebrew Alphabet as the Beginning Letter of Scriptural Verses: A Random Linguistic Occurrence or a Meaningful Pattern? 35

Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner, Dror Mughaz, Hananya Beck, Elchai Yehudai: Automatic Classification of Responsa 53

Zohar Amar, Uzi Merin and David Iluz: Curdling of Milk as a Criterion for Determining Kashrut of Animals in the Bible 75

Michal Wolf: Halakhic Judgments in Germany, France and Provence Regarding Educational Beating of Women and Children 95


Yehudah Levi: Comments on Uri Zur and Yehuda Ashkenazi’s Article: “Rabbi Gamliel’s Telescope and Proposed Method for Measuring Valley Depths , A Talmudic Geodesy&rdquo, (B.D.D. 19, January 2008, pp. 5-25) 113

Shubert Spero: Comments on Alexander Klein’s Article: “On the Philosophical Meaning of the Book of Kohelet in Light of the Philosophy of Albert Camus (B.D.D. 19, January 2008, pp. 79-89) 115

Alexander Klein: Reply to Shubert Spero’s Comments 121

Hebrew Abstracts 125

Index to Vols. 11-20 Edited by Shai Walter 127

Subject Index 134

Danacode:   110-10584 ISSN:  0793-3894 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   240 Weight:   485 gr Dimensions:  17X25 cm Publication Date:   03/2009 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press


J. Jean Ajdler: Talmudic Metrology III: Units of Measure of Volume and Capacity  7*

Shmuel Avigdor Spero: Kavanah in Healing Prayer: An Experimental Approach  61*

Berel Dov Lerner: RaMBaM and Middle Knowledge: A Puzzle in the Lehem Mishneh   75*

Yehudah (Leo) Levi: Comments on J. Jean Ajdler’s Article, “Talmudic Metrology II: The Mile as a Measure of Time” (B.D.D. 20, May 2008, pp. 5-37)  87*

Jean Ajdler’s Reply to Yehudah Levi’s Comments  91*

English Abstracts  93*

Index to Vols. 11-20 Edited by Shai Walter  97*

Subject Index

Hebrew Section

Isaac Hershkowitz: Vayehi Biyeshurun Hamelekh: Trends and Changes in the Two Population Censuses of Sefer Bamidbar   7 

Zvi Weinberger: Humanity’s Responsibility for Preserving the Environment and our Planet   27 

Joseph Klein: The Letter “vav” and other Characters of the Hebrew Alphabet as the Beginning Letter of Scriptural Verses: A Random Linguistic Occurrence or a Meaningful Pattern?   35 

Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner, Dror Mughaz, Hananya Beck, Elchai Yehudai: Automatic Classification of Responsa   53 

Zohar Amar, Uzi Merin and David Iluz: Curdling of Milk as a Criterion for Determining Kashrut of Animals in the Bible   75 

Michal Wolf: Halakhic Judgments in Germany, France and Provence Regarding Educational Beating of Women and Children   95 


Yehudah Levi: Comments on Uri Zur and Yehuda Ashkenazi’s Article: “Rabbi Gamliel’s Telescope and Proposed Method for Measuring Valley Depths – A Talmudic Geodesy” (B.D.D. 19, January 2008, pp. 5-25)   113 

Shubert Spero: Comments on Alexander Klein’s Article: “On the Philosophical Meaning of the Book of Kohelet in Light of the Philosophy of Albert Camus (B.D.D. 19, January 2008, pp. 79-89)   115 

Alexander Klein: Reply to Shubert Spero’s Comments   121 

Hebrew Abstracts   125 

Index to Vols. 11-20 Edited by Shai Walter   127 

Subject Index   134

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