Criticism and Interpretation 44 – Hebrew Songs: Poetics; Music; History; Culture

Criticism and Interpretation 44 – Hebrew Songs: Poetics; Music; History; Culture
Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Culture
Edited by: Tamar Wolf-Monzon
This collection of articles joins the fruitful research developed in recent years about the Hebrew song. The sixteen articles included have been written by prominent researchers in various research fields: the field of cultural studies and history of Israel before and after the establishment of the state, in the field of music and song, and in the field of poetry and language. This volume’s multidisciplinary character arises primarily from the singular nature of the Hebrew song, as an artistic creation whose realization depends on its audience, giving it social and cultural characteristics as well as artistic and aesthetic value. The volume is divided into three parts: the first two are presented in chronological sequence, from the beginning of the Hebrew song and through the establishment of the state, and are devoted to representative phenomena and poets prominent in these periods, including Nathan Alterman, Naomi Shemer, Haim Hefer, Ehud Manor and others. The third section discusses fundamental phenomena in the study of Hebrew music and its influences.
Digital Edition Kotar

Danacode:   110-10634 ISSN:  0084-9456 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   410 Weight:   800 gr Dimensions:  15X22 cm Publication Date:   05/2012 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

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