Between Philosophy and Literature

Between Philosophy and Literature
Adi Parush

Literary works are not philosophical studies, but quite a few subjects have occupied both writers and philosophers. In the concrete fictional world that has been woven into literary works, it is often interspersed with general philosophical positions, and Adi Porush's book deals with the analysis of the philosophical positions embedded in masterpieces of Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Borges and others. Among the philosophical questions discussed in the book: Life Without Death - Are They Desirable? Does the value we attribute to liberty accord with the value we attribute to happiness? How should the urge for revenge be addressed, and what is the difference between it and the aspiration for justice? What is the proper treatment for self-deception - should one always be dissatisfied with it? The main purpose of the book is to expose the philosophical positions embedded in literary works dealing with these questions, to examine them and to determine whether they are valid. Other philosophical questions discussed in the book revolve around the importance attributed to works of literature: Are they a source of knowledge about man and his world, as many believe? Are the emotional responses of readers to the fate of fictional characters rational responses? All the questions discussed in the book are discussed in depth, in precise wording and clear language, and will interest any reader of literature who also ponders philosophical questions.
Digital Edition Kotar

Danacode:   249-50589 ISBN:  978-965-540-803-4 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   352 Weight:   500 gr Dimensions:  15X22 cm Publication Date:   12/2018 Publisher:   כרמל

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