B.D.D.- Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu 34

B.D.D.- Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu 34
Journal of Torah and Scholarship
Edited by: Ely Merzbach


J. Jean Ajdler: The Orientation of the Synagogue: The Prayer Direction 7*

Seymour Hoffman: Psychotherapists Asking Poskim Halachic Questions 59*

Book Review

Sivan Shragay: Review of Psychologist, “Acquire a Teacher for Yourself”: Views and Responsa of Rabbis Regarding Psychological Treatment, edited by Seymour Hoffman 63*

English Abstracts 65*

Index to Vols. 21-33 71*

Hebrew Section

Uri Redman: Halachic Standards of the Chazon Ish and the Disparity between Actual Scientific Findings and the Determination of the Halacha 7

Tuvia Shlomo Bar Ilan and Nathan Keller: “A man prefers a kab of his own …”: The Endowment Effect, the Status Quo Bias, and Loss Aversion in Talmud and Poskim 25

Eran Raviv: A New Algorithm for Finding the Years on the Hebrew Calendar with a Given Molad 39

Shai Walter: Israel's Independence Day and the Hebrew Calendar 47

Meir Sendik: The Yashar Mi-Qandia’s Proof Regarding the Two Lines 75

Yehoshua Liebermann: Jewish Trade Law in an Online World 91


Shalom Kolin: A Flowchart as a Means for Uncovering Maimonides’ Logic on the Sugya of Self-sacrifice in Judaism 113


J. Jean Ajdler: Letter to the Editor 121

Hebrew Abstracts 127

Hebrew Index to Vols. 21-33, edited by Menahem Kampinsky 129

Danacode:   110-10733 ISSN:  0793-3894 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   262 Weight:   400 gr Dimensions:  17X25 cm Publication Date:   12/2018 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press


J. Jean Ajdler: The Orientation of the Synagogue: The Prayer Direction   7*

Seymour Hoffman: Psychotherapists Asking Poskim Halachic Questions   59*

Book Review

Sivan Shragay: Review of Psychologist, “Acquire a Teacher for Yourself”: Views and Responsa of Rabbis Regarding Psychological Treatment, edited by Seymour Hoffman   63*

English Abstracts   65*

Index to Vols. 21-33   71*

Hebrew Section

Uri Redman: Halachic Standards of the Chazon Ish and the Disparity between Actual Scientific Findings and the Determination of the Halacha   7 

Tuvia Shlomo Bar Ilan and Nathan Keller: “A man prefers a kab of his own …”: The Endowment Effect, the Status Quo Bias, and Loss Aversion in Talmud and Poskim   25 

Eran Raviv: A New Algorithm for Finding the Years on the Hebrew Calendar with a Given Molad   39 

Shai Walter: Israel's Independence Day and the Hebrew Calendar   47 

Meir Sendik: The Yashar Mi-Qandia’s Proof Regarding the Two Lines   75 

Yehoshua Liebermann: Jewish Trade Law in an Online World   91 


Shalom Kolin: A Flowchart as a Means for Uncovering Maimonides’ Logic on the Sugya of Self-sacrifice in Judaism   113 


J. Jean Ajdler: Letter to the Editor   121 

Hebrew Abstracts   127 

Hebrew Index to Vols. 21-33, edited by Menahem Kampinsky   129