Ambivalent Intellectualism in the Thought of Rav Shneur Zalman of Liadi

Ambivalent Intellectualism in the Thought of Rav Shneur Zalman of Liadi
Yossef Stamler

Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi and Habad Hasidim who founded it were seen by themselves, by other Hasidic streams and by many scholars as exceptional in the Hasidic landscape. This is due to their theoretical and educational tendencies that influenced different motifs in the Habad work. This deviation is also evident in the Hasidic name, since Hassidic courts were often named after their colonies, while Habad was named after the three intellectual counts: wisdom, understanding and knowledge. This book presents for the first time a comprehensive and in-depth sketch of the educational characteristic that is unique to Rashaz's thinking. The research before you reveals his ambivalent attitude towards human intellect, and thus presents his thinking in a new and sometimes surprising light. It is a complex thought that has a sympathetic attitude, while highlighting its limitations and dangers.
Digital Edition Kotar

Danacode:   110-20282 ISBN:  978-965-226-543-2 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   380 Weight:   500 gr Dimensions:  17x24 cm Publication Date:   09/2019 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

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