Hebrew Linguistics 74

Hebrew Linguistics 74
A Journal for Hebrew Descriptive; Computational and Applied Linguistics
Edited by: Ora R. Schwarzwald


Barak Avirbach An Addition to the Hebrew Dictionaries Following Research on Medieval Hebrew

Ruti Bardenstein, Leon Shor and Anna Inbar Zehu (That’s It) in Spoken Israeli Hebrew

Anna Inbar On Listing Practices in Modern Hebrew Conversation

Hilla Polak-Yitzhaki The Functions of the Verb asa (Do) Within a Construction Introducing Constructed Dialogue in Spoken Hebrew Discourse

Einat Kuzai The Evolution of the Forms zot ’omeret and ze ’omer in Modern Hebrew

Hagit Shefer Grammaticalization and Subjectification in Language: The Case of Hebrew ˀex (how)

Book Reviews

Gabriel Birnbaum On Studies in Mishnaic Hebrew, by M. Bar-Asher

Nivi Gomel On Studies in Contemporary Hebrew, by Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald

Books Received

Rivka Shemesh-Raskin

English Abstracts

Danacode:   110-10748 ISSN:  0334-3472 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   200 Weight:   350 gr Dimensions:  17x24 cm Publication Date:   12/2020 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

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