Alei Sefer 29

Alei Sefer 29
Studies in Bibliography and in the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book
Edited by: Dov Schwartz, Gila Prebor

Alei Sefer is the only scientific journal in the study of the Hebrew book from all aspects , the history of the Hebrew book, its emergence and metamorphosis.

Danacode:   110-10744 ISSN:  0334-4754 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   254 Weight:   450 gr Dimensions:  17X24 cm Publication Date:   04/2020 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press


MORRIS M. FAIERSTEIN: Midrash Jonah and its Yiddish Paraphrase V


English Abstracts


Hebrew Section


MOSHE FIRROUZ AND DANIEL J. LASKER: Five Karaite Theological Treatises from Byzantium: A Description and Preliminary Evaluation 7


Y. TZVI LANGERMAN: A New Responsum by Maimonides Concerning the Verse in Zechariah 14:9 25


ABRAHAM DAVID: Between Sefer Yuhasin and Shalshelet ha-Kabbalah on Seder ha-Hakhamim (Jewish Sages Chronicle) in the Middle Ages 29


ADAYA HADAR: On The Esoteric Writing Style of Likutei Moharan 43


YOSAIF MORDECHAI DUBOVICK: Multifaceted Sources of Information: Rabbi Yaakov Meshulem Orenstein's Book Approbations 61


ROEE GOLDSCHMIDT: Technological Innovation and the Circulation of Homiletical Works in the Nineteenth Century: Repeated use of Matrix Printing Prior to the Appearance of Stereotype Printing in Galicia111


ESTER LAPON-KANDELSHEIN: Early Modern Leisure Literature in Eretz-Israel Printing (1882-1923)137


VERED TOHAR: Cultural Struggles in Hebrew Children Literature: Three Cases179


JONATHAN HOWARD: Computerised Preparation of Critical Editions in Hebrew: First Impressions from LaTeX 197


Hebrew Abstracts