B.D.D.- Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu 35

B.D.D.- Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu 35
Journal of Torah and Scholarship
Edited by: Ely Merzbach


J. Jean Ajdler: New Examples of Ancient German Halakhah Based on the Palestinian Talmud

David Neustadter: Pi among the Ancient Hebrews: An Engineer’s Perspective

J. Jean Ajdler: Additional Considerations about the Molad and the Mean Conjunction

English Abstracts

Hebrew Section

Yuval Cherlow: The Status of Processed Meat

Yisrael Katz: Smoking Cannabis for Pleasure, According to Maimonides , Medical and Halachic Ramifications

Zvi Weinberger: Relating the Hebrew Calendar to a Series of Nine Solar Eclipses Visible in Israel from theYear 3579 until 4011 after Creation

Doron Witztum: Signals of ELS’s Codes Systems: Decrement versus Increment

J. Jean Ajdler: About Hanover’s Fundamental Rule of the Jewish Calendar

Eran Raviv: The Mathematical Structure of the 61-Row Table and the Upper Limit of Zvi Hirsch Joffe’s Formula


Yaakov Bienenstock: “This month is to be for you the first month”: A Proposal to Resolve a Contradiction in Rashi’s Commentary

Hebrew Abstracts


Danacode:   110-10747 ISSN:  0793-3894 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   194 Weight:   400 gr Dimensions:  17X25 cm Publication Date:   10/2020 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

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