Alei Sefer 30-31 : Shem L'Shmuel

Alei Sefer 30-31 : Shem L'Shmuel
Studies in Bibliography and in the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book
Edited by: Dov Schwartz, Gila Prebor

Alei Sefer is the only scientific journal in the study of the Hebrew book from all aspects , the history of the Hebrew book, its emergence and metamorphosis.

Studies in the History of the Hebrew Book in Memory of R. Shmuel Ashkenazi

Danacode:   110-10754 ISSN:  0334-4754 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   265 Weight:   700 gr Dimensions:  17X24 cm Publication Date:   12/2021 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press


Zeev Gries The Man for Whom Secrets are Revealed: Commemorating R. Shmuel Ashkenazi 7

Dov Schwartz R. Ashkenazi's Contributions on the Influence of Ethical Literature 17

Yaakov Yisrael Stahl R. Shmuel Ashkenazi’s Efforts in Editing R. Menachem HaMe’iri’s Commentary on the Book of Proverbs 29

Dov Schwartz and Eliezer Schlossberg The Tenth Century Debate on Resurrection:  A New Source 53

Simcha Emanuel Sefer Or Zaru’a: Manuscripts, Myths, and Editions 83

Eli Gurfinkel A Remnant from a Commentary on the Maimonidean Thirteen Principles of Faith from the 14th Century (?) 115

Yohanan Kapah The Hebrew Script by Rabbi Yosef Hayun: New Edition 127

Tal Hever-Chybowski and Gad Freudenthal  Netsaḥ Yisra’el (The Eternity of Israel) by R. Yisra’el ben Mosheh ha-Levi of Zamość: A Critical and Annotated Edition of the Introduction. An Early Maskil’s Ego-Document (1740/41) 143

Tzvi Luboshitz Textbook, Prayer Book, Amulet: On the Metamorphosis of R. Immanuel Hay Ricchi’s Mishnat Hasidim 159

Naama Bindiger Studying the Development of Rabbi Kook’s Philosophy – The Current Bibliographic Basis and Overview of the Research 181

Noga Rubin What Can Be Learned from the Changes between the First Edition of Alterman’s Book For Children and Later Editions? 207

Gila Prebor and Ester Lapon-Kandelshien  Reading Culture in Haredi Society: A Bibliographic Discussion 221

English Abstracts V