Abraham de Balmes's Miqneh Abram (Peculium Abrae)

Abraham de Balmes's Miqneh Abram (Peculium Abrae)
A Systematic and Comprehensive Grammar of the Hebrew Language in the Spirit of Speculative Grammar
Dror Ben-Arie

Peculium Abrae is a bilingual grammar of the Hebrew language written by Abraham de Balmes (~ 1460, Lecce - 1523, Padua), an Italian Jew who was a physician, philosopher, lecturer at the University of Padua and translates philosophical works from Hebrew into Latin, and has close ties with Humanists are created. The essay was published in Venice in 1523 in Hebrew and Latin, after the author's death, published by the well-known hebraist Daniel Bomberg. This essay stands out in its scope, structure, originality and the combination of the Hebrew grammatical tradition with the interim philosophy. The essay is special in that it includes a separate chapter on syntax, which has no equivalent in previous Hebrew grammars. The essay is interwoven with abstract concepts and vague definitions and discussions, whose intent is not clear. De Balmes in general, and Mikne Abram in particular, have aroused great interest in research in Israel and around the world, but despite the attempts, his linguistics has not been understood so far.

This book proves that de Balmes's writing from the sixteenth century is influenced by the Modist school, a branch of the speculative (= theoretical) grammar of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. De Balmes is mainly influenced by Thomas Marport's work, Grammatica Speculativa. It thoroughly analyzes the key terms in de Balmes's composition, in its two versions, the Hebrew and the Latin. It mainly deal in the field of syntax, and first and foremost in composition (compositio) and use (regimen). With the help of the Latin Modem writings, written some two hundred years earlier, this book makes available for the first time the teachings of an extraordinary Hebrew grammarian to the modern reader, revealing to the Hebrew reader the teachings of the Renaissance man, a Jew protective of his Judaism, who took on the task of merging Christian logicians' Hebrew grammar.

Digital Edition Kotar

Danacode:   110-20335 ISBN:  978-965-226-608-8 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   428 Weight:   1005 gr Dimensions:  17X24 cm Publication Date:   06/2022 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments 13

Initials, abbreviations and special signs 15

Introduction 19

1 Abraham de Balmes 21

2 Miqneh Abram 24

3 The structure of the treatise 29

4 The chapter of compositio and regimen in Miqneh Abram 34

5 Previous studies of Miqneh Abram 37

5.1 Miqneh Abram and Hebrew grammar tradition 38

5.2 Phonology 39

5.3 The semantics of the verb 39

5.4 Syntax 40

5.5 The influence of Western grammars 42

5.6 Philosophy and grammar 43

5.7 Kabbalistic elements 44

6 Hebrew grammar 45

7 Western grammar 47

8 Organization of the book 54

9 Various methods of referring to Miqneh Abram 63

harkavah, compositio) 85 ) הרכבה : Chapter 1

1 Introduction 85

compositio) in Miqneh Abram 87 ) הרכבה 2

in Hebrew grammar 90 הרכבה 3

4 Compositio and constructio in Western grammar 93

in the chapter of compositio and regimen הרכבה 5 The definition of

of Miqneh Abram 96

97 הרכבה 5.1 The Hebrew definition and the Latin definition of

5.2 The difficulties in the Hebrew definition 97

5.3 The Latin definition vs. the Modistic definition of Thomas

of Erfurt 98

5.4 The components 102

6 The division of in the chapter of compositio and regimen הרכבה

of Miqneh Abram 105

6.1 Introduction 105

6.2 The types of compositio in the chapter of compositio and

regimen of Miqneh Abram 106

6.3 The types of compositio according to Thomas of Erfurt 108

compositio immanens or intransitivum) ) בודדת or הרכבה עומדת 6.4

compositio transitiva) 109 ) הרכבה נודדת and

הרכבת הענינים compositio verborum) and ) הרכבת הפעלים 6.5

(compositio rerum) 113

6.5.1 The terms 113

6.5.2 The definitions 114

122 הרכבה 6.6 The four types of

6.6.1 Introduction 122

compositio verborum intransitiva) 123 ) הרכבת הפעלים הבודדת 6.6.2

compositio rerum intransitiva) 127 ) הרכבת הענינים הבודדת 6.6.3

compositio verborum transitiva) 136 ) הרכבת הפעלים הנודדת 6.6.4

compositio rerum transitiva) 142 ) הרכבת הענינים הנודדת 6.6.5

7 Summary 145

shimush, regimen) 147 ) שמוש : Chapter 2

1 Introduction 147

in Hebrew grammar 147 שמוש 2

2.1 Mikhlol of Rabbi David Kimḥi 149

2.2 Ma`ase Efod of Profayt Duran 149

2.3 Peraḥ Shoshan of Rabbi Moshe Ibn Ḥabib 152

throughout the treatise 153 שמוש 3 Various meanings of

3.1 Constructio 154

3.2 Servitium 154

3.3 Ministratio 155

3.4 Regimen 156

according to the grammatical category 158 שמוש 4

158 הרכבה of שמוש 4.1

compositio regiminis) 158 ) הרכבה שמושית 4.1.1

שמוש נודד regimen intransitivum) and ) שמוש בודד 4.1.2

159 הרכבה )regimen transitivum) of

absolutum) ) מוחלט regimen perfectum) or ) שמוש גמור 4.1.3

regimen aliquo modo) 159 ) שמוש במקצת and

dictio, ‘word’) 166 ) תיבה of שמוש 4.2

of a verb (or after a verb): syntax 167 שמוש 4.2.1

of a letter 167 שמוש

of a particle 169 שמוש

of a pronominal affix 170 שמוש

regimen of nomen declinatum) ) שמוש השם הנוטה

regimen of nomen rectum) 171 ) שמוש השם הישר and

176 שמוש Without

regimen in ) שמוש אשר אל עצמותו נגבל הזולת

cuius substantiam terminatur aliud ipsum) 176

regimen reversionis) 178 ) שמוש החזרה The dictionary of the valency of the verbs 180

regimen ) שמוש בודד : of a word in a sentence שמוש 4.2.2

regimen intransitivum) 184 ) שמוש נודד intransitivum) and

as a morphological category 185 שמוש 4.2.3

of a word or of a particle 186 שמוש 4.3

4.3.1 The discussion of the modi regiminis of the

declination of nouns 187

of the servile letters 189 שמושים 4.3.2 The possible

in Miqneh Abram 192 שמוש 5 The development of the term

from Rabbi David Kimḥi :שמוש 6 The development of the term

to Abraham de Balmes 196

and Case 197 שמוש 7

8 Various meanings of regimen and closely related terms in Latin

grammar 211

and regimen 215 שמוש 9

Chapter 3: Grammatical relations 217

1 Introduction 217

2 Referential relations: originating from the relations between referents 218

terminans) 218 ) מגביל terminatum) and ) מוגבל 2.1

in Miqneh Abram 218 מגביל and מוגבל 2.1.1 The distribution of

2.1.2 Dependens and terminans in Modistic grammar 219

in Miqneh Abram 222 מגביל and מוגבל 2.1.3

secundum) 223 ) שני primum) and ) ראשון 2.2

in Miqneh Abram 223 שני and ראשון 2.2.1 The distribution of

2.2.2 Primum and secundum in Modistic grammar 224

in Miqneh Abram 225 שני and ראשון 2.2.3

230 שני and ראשון ;מגביל and מוגבל : 2.3 Intermediate summary

3 Semantic relations: originating from the Aristotelian theory

of movement 231

terminus) 231 ) גבול principium) and ) התחלה 3.1

in Miqneh Abram 231 גבול and התחלה 3.1.1 The distribution of

3.1.2 Principium and terminus in Modistic grammar 234

in Miqneh Abram 235 גבול and התחלה 3.1.3

dependens, dependentia) 237 ) נתלה )התלות( 3.2

in Miqneh Abram 237 נתלה 3.2.1 The distribution of

in Miqneh Abram 237 נתלה 3.2.2

4 Summary 239

Chapter 4: Grammatical terms 242

1 Introduction 242

2 Terms related to transitivity 242

2.1 In the chapter of compositio and regimen in Miqneh Abram 242

2.2 In the chapter of the verb in Miqneh Abram 249

2.3 In Hebrew grammar 254

2.4 The influence of Modistic terms on Miqneh Abram 256

modi significationis) 258 ) דרכי ההוראה 3

3.1 In Miqneh Abram 258

3.2 Modi significandi in treatises of Modistic grammarians 263

3.3 Discussion 267

perfectio) 272 ) שלמות congruitas) and ) נוי 4

declinatio) 279 ) נטיה rectitudo) and ) יושר 5

suppositum) 281 ) מונח 6

Chapter 5: The discussion of the dictiones rationis and of

their division 289

1 Introduction 289

particles) in Hebrew grammar 290 ) מלות הטעם 2

dictiones rationis) in Miqneh Abram 293 ) מלות הטעם 3

4 Particles signifying terminatio significationis of nouns and verbs 303

4.1 The two methods of division 305

4.2 The reflection of Modistic theory in the distinction between

modi significationis) 306 ) דרכי הוראה rei) and ) ענינים

4.3 The first group of particles in modern eyes 313

4.4 The reason for avoiding the use of the term adverb 314

5 Particles signifying modi potestatis significationum of nouns

and verbs and modi compositionis 316

6 Particles signifying modi declinationis of nouns and verbs 320

7 Particles signifying passiones (or affectus) animae 324

8 Summary 328

Afterword 330

Appendix A: The grammatical terms in Miqneh Abram:

Translation from Latin to Hebrew and from

Hebrew to Latin 335

Appendix B: Conversion of page numbers among the various

methods of referring to Miqneh Abram 341

Appendix C: The Latin orthography in Miqneh Abram 346

List of tables and figures 348

Bibliography 351

Indexes 366

Index of Biblical Quotations 366

Index of Syntactic Patterns 368

Index of Names and Titles 371

Index of Subjects and Terms 376