The Earth Trembled

The Earth Trembled
Yom Kippur War Anthology
Edited by: Zeev Drori

The Yom Kippur War was one of the most difficult wars that the State of Israel has known since its foundation until today. Even when the war ended when IDF forces threatened Damascus and at a distance of 100 km from Cairo, it was not a feeling of victory that affected the IDF and Israeli society.

Years later, and from a more distant perspective, it is possible to separate the direct military results of that war from the consequences it had on the political-strategic situation in the Middle East. The distance of time also allows for a reexamination of the results of the war and its social consequences both regarding Israeli society as a whole and regarding the individual warrior. For example, the subject of captivity or battle shock appears in several articles in the collection, alongside dealing with the protest movement and its effects.

In the collection of articles, we found it appropriate to refer also to the place and role of the media in those days, alongside an analysis of major battles and their lessons by several commanders who took part in them. This book also discusses the place of the medical corps, the air force and the navy in the war.

Prof. Zeev Drori, colonel (retired), previously served as a commander in paratroopers, participated in the Six Day War, the War of Attrition and was deputy commander in the Battle of the "Chinese Farm" in the Yom Kippur War. He later served as commander of the Shaked Patrol, commander of the Givati Brigade in the Lebanon War in 1982 and commander of Galei Tzahal. Prof. Drori served as CEO of Kinneret Academic College and as head of the multidisciplinary department at the college. He founded and served as chairman of the "Kinneret Institute for Social Relations, Peace and Security named after Rabbi Dan Shomron". He also served as chairman of the Association of Military-Society Researchers in Israel. Prof. Drori currently serves as a senior research fellow at Reichman University. His books reflect his areas of expertise: general history, history of the people of Israel, political science and the Middle East.

Danacode:   110-20342 ISBN:  978-965-226-649-1 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   486 Weight:   950 gr Dimensions:  17X24 cm Publication Date:   01/2023 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Yom Kippur War and Israeli Society 7

Insights from the Battlefield

Zeev Drori / Brigade 401: From the Braking Battles to the 101st Kilometer - The operation of the brigade in light of the principles of war 15

Yitzhak Mordechai / Parachute Battalion 890: Battle of the Chinese Farm 45

Ilan Biran / "And the earth will tremble, will a people and its captains learn, and the earth will be silent?!" 69

Eran Dolev / Medicine in the Yom Kippur War: How was the chisel sharpened? 77

The Navy and the Air Force in the Yom Kippur War

Lior Brichta and Ehud Elam / The Israeli Air Force in the Yom Kippur War  91

Zaev Almog / the naval arena in the Yom Kippur War 105

The consequences of the Yom Kippur War on Israeli society

Nissim Leon / Reactions in religious Zionism to the Yom Kippur War 127

Odi Labell / The Yom Kippur War and the formation of a new bereaved community: From hegemony to bargaining over the processing of the representative military loss 143

Eyal Levin / The Yom Kippur War and changes in the balance of ethos in Israeli society 169

Efrat Zakbach / The change that occurred in relation to heroism and myths of heroism following the Yom Kippur War 191

Gideon Avitel-Epstein / The Yom Kippur War and the Holocaust: provocative and itchy stories 213

Muhammad Su'ad / The effect of the Israeli-Arab conflict on the identity of the Israeli Arabs: The Yom Kippur War as a Case Study 235

The media and the war

Haim Frankel and Hillel Nosk / Journalistic Framing and Basic Surprise: The Egyptian Enemy in the Hebrew Press 1970-1973 257

Rafi Man / Not just mediators: the mediatization of security in Israel since 1973 279

Amir Bar-Or / "Maariv" and "Haaretz" positions regarding the Yom Kippur war omission and its investigation: National soul calculator for internal soul calculation of the private press 317

The untold story: the trauma of captivity and the evacuation of Golan Heights settlements

Miri Gal-Ezer / From the trauma of captivity to the legacy of heroism 349

Alexander Bley / The Yom Kippur War and the formation of Israel's policy regarding prisoners of war: watershed? 387

Efrat Cantor / Evacuation of families from the Golan Heights at the end of Yom Kippur 417

protest movements

Yaffe Moshkovitz and Adi Bins / The unique characteristics of the social protest that arose due to the Yom Kippur War 441

Eitan Orakibi / The protest of the liberated fighters after the Yom Kippur war and the culture of protest in Israel 457