Rabbenu Yaakov ben Meir Tam's Resolution Treatise

Rabbenu Yaakov ben Meir Tam's Resolution Treatise
Regarding the Linguistic Battle Between Menaḥem ben Saruq and Dunash ben Labrat
Gedalia Lasser

Annotated Critical Edition

With Nusah Variations, References, Quotes from Maḥberet Menahem, Dunash's Critiques and an Extensive Introduction

In the tenth century, in Jewish Spain, a fierce and public debate took place between two of the first linguists - Menaḥem ben Saruq and Dunash ben Labrat. The bitter debate, which also had interpretative implications for the Bible, spilled over and reached the point of accusing Menaḥem of Karaism. About two hundred years after the outbreak of the debate, Rabbenu Tam, the Talmudic giant, was called upon to decide between them on issues of language. According to him, his duty was to correct the ongoing injustice caused to Menaḥem both by Dunash in his wrong answers about Maḥberet Menahem, and by sages who over the generations did not stand by Menaḥem's side. The rulings of Rabbenu Tam are grouped together in a collection that was named 'The Rulings of Rabbi Tam', and they are distinctly inclined to Menaḥem's side. The essay reveals, among other things, the unique root method of Rabbenu Tam that has not yet been properly diagnosed in research, his method on various topics in the theory of language and his way of interpreting the Bible. Even though Rabbenu Tam was born in the twelfth century, he was not familiar with the theory of the three-letter root of the Hebrew verb, as Judah Hayyuj recognized it at the end of the tenth century.

For the first time, all the elements of the subject are collected in one volume: relevant quotations from Maḥberet Menahem, Dunash's answers to Menaḥem, an annotated and illustrated scientific edition of the composition of decisions with a formula exchange mechanism based on four manuscripts known today and an attached commentary explaining the obscure and enigmatic language of Rabbenu Tam. The edition is preceded by an extensive introduction examining, among other things, the interpretive and linguistic way of Rabbenu Tam.

Dr. Gedalia Lasser has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the Technion in Haifa, and a master's and doctorate in Bible Studies from Bar-Ilan University.

Digital Edition Kotar

Danacode:   110-20356 ISBN:  978-965-226-640-8 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   750 Weight:   1450 gr Dimensions:  17X24 cm Publication Date:   12/2023 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press


Foreword 15

A. Introduction

Preface 19

Rabbenu Tam and the Resolution Treatise 19

Characteristics of the Resolution Treatise 22

The Annotated Scientific Edition 23

The Introduction 24

The Pa’al: Rabbenu Tam’s Innovation Regarding the Theory of Roots 28

The Introductory Poem to the Resolution Treatise 29

Usage and Familiarity with the Scientific Edition and Introduction 30

Chapter One: Academic Research and the Making of the

Resolution Treatise 31

Identifying the Author of the Resolution Treatise 31

Survey of Academic Research Regarding the Menaḥem-Dunash Polemic and the Resolution Treatise 34

Manuscripts 35

Primary Sources in Print Related to the Menaḥem-Dunash Polemic and Rabbenu Tam’s Resolutions 38

Advantage of the Scientific Edition of the Resolution Treatise Over the Filipowski Edition 40

Number of Topics Discussed by Dunash and Rabbenu Tam and their Order in the Manuscripts and Printed Editions 42

The Connection Between the Structure of the Works of Rabbenu Tam and Dunash 47

Chapter Two: Exegetical Rules 49

Semantics 49

Syntax 55

Parallelism 62

Identical Stories 65

Topical Context 67

The Plain Meaning of Scripture 69

Chapter Three: Methods of Exegesis of Individual Words 71

Root-based Interpretation 71

Context-based Interpretation 74

Interpretation by Means of Transposing Letters 79

Interpretation by Means of Exchanging Consonants 82

Linguistic-based Interpretation 83

Interpretation by Means of Compounding Words 88

Interpretations based on Roots with Opposite Meanings 89

Interpretation based on Literary Structure 90

Interpretation based on Similar Situations 91

Chapter Four: Unique Exegetical Characteristics 94

Exposure of Personalities and Historical Events 94

Unusual Original Exegesis 98

Logic-based Exegesis 104

Multiple Meanings of a Biblical Word 109

Setting the Straightforward Meaning Aside 111

Reality-based Exegesis 113

Etymology 116

Chapter Five: Other Languages: Mishnaic Hebrew, Various Forms of Aramaic, Arabic 120

Mishnaic Hebrew 120

The Aramaic of Biblical Translations: Onkelos, Yonatan, The Translation Attributed to Yonatan, Translation of the Ketuvim 126

Biblical Aramaic 130

The Arabic Language 132

Chapter Six: Rabbenu Tam’s Sources 136

Ḥazal 136

Aramaic Translations 141

The Masters of Niqqud and Ta’amim 144

The Masoretes 147

Works of Other Authors 151

Chapter Seven: The Purpose of the Resolution Treatise, Characteristics of the Discussion and the Culture of the Debate 160

The Purpose of the Resolution Treatise 160

The Characteristics of the Discussion 169

A Resolution Favoring Dunash’s Approach with a Reservation 170

Proposal for a Compromise Between the Approaches of Menaḥem and Dunash 173

Evasion of a Non-Exegetical Discussion where Menaḥem is in an Inferior Position 175

Justification of Dunash by means of an Exceptionally Short Statement 177

Proven Refutation of Dunash’s Interpretations 178

Deviation from the Orientation: Critiquing Menaḥem 179

The Culture of the Debate 185

Rabbenu Tam’s Attitude Toward Menaḥem 186

Rabbenu Tam’s Attitude Toward Dunash 188

Rabbenu Tam’s Attitude Toward His Image 193

Chapter Eight: Influence of the Resolution Treatise’s Purpose on the Exegetical Discussion 198

Refutable Exegetical Claims 198

Non-inclusive Rules 206

Puzzling Interpretations 210

Flexible Exegesis Compatible with Goals 212

Chapter Nine: Matters of Jewish Thought 214

The Characteristics of God 214

Pure Faith in God 215

Man’s Essence and Spirit 216

Free Will 217

Jewish Tradition 218

The Anti-Christian Polemic 219

Chapter Ten: Manners of Expression, Writing Method and Lexicography 222

Manners of Expression: Language and Style 222

Words, Phrases, Sentences 222

Exegetical Terminology 225

Unusual Usage of a Common Term 226

Style 228

Manners of Expression: Literary Adornments 230

Poem Introducing a Discussion 230

Rhyming Integrated into a Discussion 232

Rhyming Concluding a Discussion 232

Inlay of Biblical Language 232

Inlay of Mishnaic Language 234

Writing Method 235

Discussion Structure 235

Usage of Commentaries Appearing in Previous Discussions 236

Secondary Roundabout Discussion 237

Theoretical Examples 239

Lexicography 240

Conditions for Lexicographic Merging 241

Conditions for Lexicographic Separation 244

Chapter Eleven: The Pa’al: Rabbenu Tam’s Innovation within the Theory of Roots 247

History of Research Concerning Rabbenu Tam’s Root Method 247

Rabbenu Tam Accepts Menahem’s Method for Determining Roots 248

Pa’al of the Transitional Stage 249

Theory of Pa’al in Rabbenu Tam’s Words 252

Various Comments Concerning the Pa’al in Rabbenu Tam’s Words 253

Comments on Eldar’s Article 254

Summary 257

Chapter Twelve: Matters of Grammar 258

Linguistic Terms 258

Phonological Topics 264

Accentuation 264

Additional (Superfluous) Letters 266

Missing Letters 267

Letters and Biblical Cantillation Symbols 268

Various Punctuation Rules 268

Morphological Topics 271

Verb Forms 271

Various Matters Regarding Roots 276

Binyan Kal and the “Heavy” Constructions 281

Various Comments Regarding Verb Constructions 282

Nouns 283

Comparison of Patterns 286

Topics Relating to Syntax 287

Conclusion 292

B. Annotated Critical Edition With Nusaḥ Variations, References, Quotes from Maḥberet Menaḥem and Dunash’s Critiques

Introduction to the Edition 295

Table of Contents for the Edition and for the Filipowski Edition 296

Introductory Poem 301

Sections 1-160 314

Concluding Poem 693

Bibliography 698

Indexes to the Rabbenu Tam Edition and its Commentaries 719

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