Alei Sefer 32-33: Milestone in the History of the Hebrew Book: From the Early Grammarians to Religious Zionism

Alei Sefer 32-33: Milestone in the History of the Hebrew Book: From the Early Grammarians to Religious Zionism
Edited by: Dov Schwartz, Gila Prebor

In this volume, rich aspects of the history of the Hebrew book are presented. It includes articles dealing with the literary dimensions of writing, such as literary formation through the writing of introductions. It also contains discussions on issues that deal with the way the book progresses from the writing stage to the distribution stage to the reader communities, such as editing, translation and proofreading. The path from the manuscript to the written book has not been overlooked either. The studies published in this volume extend from poetry to musar literature and Kabbalah. The volume devotes a special chapter to the study of the book's path in religious Zionism: three studies deal with writing biographies, reading habits and religious Zionist literature for youth.

Danacode:   110-10791 ISSN:  0334-4754 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   454 Weight:   900 gr Dimensions:  17X24 cm Publication Date:   01/2024 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press


Introduction 7

Elnatan Chen Rabbi Jonah ibn Janāḥ - A Revised Bio-Bibliography 9

Joseph Yahalom Editors and Editions of Diwan Judah ha-Levi 75

Dov Schwartz Seven Motifs of the Ladder: On the Inspiration in Writing Introductions (Medieval Commentaries on the Introduction to the Guide of the Perplexed) 93

Vered Tohar Shelomoh ben Mazal-Tov and the Polyphony of the Discourse in the Hebrew Book: Between the Proofreader and the Poet 129

Noga Rubin The First Two Yiddish Printed Editions of the Pentateuch: Different Methods of Translation 147

Adam Bin-Nun Blessed be the Returner of a Lost Object to its Owner: The Cambridge Taj (Add. 1726) – Review and Identification of the Scribe 175

Eliezer Baumgarten and Uri Safrai The Formation of Erkei ha-kinuyim:  Between Natan Shapira and Moshe Zacuto 223

Yoel Marciano Orḥot Ṣadiqim: Anthologies of Maimonides Mishne Torah and Lurianic Conduct 243

Esty Shdeour “Yaldutenu”: The First Haredi Chrestomathy in Palestine/Israel 271


Aharon Kampinsky “A Life Like this is Worth Telling About” – The Development of Biographical Literature on Zionist-Religious Leaders in Israel 323

Gila Prebor and Esther Lapon-Kandelshein  The Development of Literary Writing in the Religious Zionist Sector: A Bibliographic Discussion 347

Dov Schwartz Between “Normality” and Theology: Some Comments on Religious National Young Adult Fiction in Recent Decades 387

English Abstracts V