Manuscript Submission Guidelines

The manuscript submitted should include title pages - main title (name of the essay and name of the author) and title page for each section - on separate pages; Table of Contents; introduction; bibliography; Lists of illustrations / photographs / plates (if any); Foreign title (usually in English). Attach a text of about 200 words with a suggestion to write on the cover of the book, a description of the contents of the book in Hebrew and English, as well as a few lines about the author / editor in Hebrew and English. The manuscript must be submitted in Word.

Text design and Layout

Font size and spacing

Use David font for Hebrew and Times New Roman for Latin-based languages, without the use of additional fonts, in uniform letter size. Double-spaced between lines (all parts of the text, including quotes and footnotes).

Continuous numbering

The pages of the manuscript should be numbered in sequence from beginning to end.

Table of contents for the book

Detail up to the level of a subheading per chapter (title b; one level below the main title level of the chapter, which is title a). Arrange each title in a new row, and the subheadings are slightly shifted to the right (for hierarchical clarity). Ensure a complete match between the table of contents and the chapter titles in the body of the book.

Paragraph design

In each first paragraph after a title or after a space (methodical or after a quotation presented as a separate paragraph) - the first line is aligned to the right without indentation. In each following paragraph there should be an initial indent. A long quotation (five lines or more) or of special importance to bring as a separate paragraph alluded to the right (only), in regular letter size, with a line space before and after it.


A quotation given in a separate paragraph shall not be enclosed in quotation marks. If there are quotes within the quote they will be double quotes. A quotation shorter than 5 lines or of lesser importance will be quoted in the sequence of things to which it is related, in the same paragraph, and will be enclosed in double quotation marks. In this case if there are quotes also within the quote - they will be single quotes. A quote from a text printed in Hebrew should be copied as written and as worded and nothing should be changed. If a corrections to the original is required, the change must be stated explicitly. A quote from a text printed in another language should be translated into Hebrew. Skipping part of the quote will be marked as follows: [...] - three dots in square brackets. A non-original highlight will be marked as: [my highlight] (without the initials of the author's name). If a punctuation mark comes after the quotation it will be outside the closing quotation marks. Sources should be brought after the quote (and not before). If the source is given in parentheses immediately next to the quotation, the punctuation mark will follow the parentheses (and not between the quotation and the source). If the source is given in a footnote, the note number will be entered after the punctuation mark. Thus: ........ "......." (source), or: ...... "......". 1

Title design

Typography should be provided that clearly reflects the ranking of the titles. If the typography is not transparent, its position in the hierarchy should be marked next to each title using the letters a, b, c, d, etc. In no type of title should a dot or colon be given at the end. Between two parts of the title use a colon and not a dividing line. A headline and a subheading of an article or chapter will each come in a separate line.


Numbered sections, each of which comes in a separate paragraph - at the point after the numbering, as follows:




Paragraphs that have numbered sequences within them, the numbering should be in parentheses separated by semi-colons, as follows: (a) ....; (b) ....; (c) .....

The numbering method may be in Hebrew letters or regular numbers (and should not be in foreign letters or in Roman numerals). Choosing the numbering method is the author’s prerogative, provided that he is consistent throughout the book in the method he has chosen.


Use double quotes. Use single quotes only when there are quotes within quotes.


Content emphasis - bold only.

Book names

In Hebrew – within a sentence in quotation marks (double); in a bibliographic item without marking. Names of books in foreign languages should be italicized.

Personal names in foreign languages

Add the last name only in parentheses in the foreign spelling and only if necessary (when it is difficult to read the name according to the Hebrew spelling). If you add years of life, add them in the same parentheses after a Hebrew comma and write the numbers from right to left in a Hebrew font.


A distinction must be made between a hypen that indicates a range or a contrast — for example, between numbers as in the previous section, or as in the phrase "Jewish-Arab conflict," and a (Hebrew) hyphen that should be raised.

 N-dashes and slashes

Usually with no spaces on either side of the mark, or with a space on both sides.


Brackets are usually round. Square brackets shall come in the form of brackets within brackets: (... [...] ...) or shall be used within a citation to mark an external addition or non-original skip, as follows: "between the Euphrates River and the Tigris River"; "Between the Euphrates River and the Tigris River [...] the Palm Tree."

Integration of a foreign text with a Hebrew text

If the foreign text is combined with the Hebrew text in parentheses, make sure that the parentheses are in Hebrew font. In places that Hebrew and foreign languages are combined without parentheses, the punctuation mark at the end of the foreign text (if any) will be in Hebrew font and direction. When a list of foreign items is incorporated into a Hebrew sentence, the punctuation marks between the items should be Hebrew. Foreign words that are not first names should not begin with a capital letter unless this is the practice in the source language. As a matter of principle, foreign forms should be minimized as much as possible.


In a text that is not numerical in nature (such as a text that deals with statistical calculations, etc.) - numbers from one to ten write in words; From 11 and up write in numbers. In a Hebrew sentence, write a sequence of numbers from right to left. In numbers over a thousand add a comma between the hundreds and thousands, between the thousands and millions, etc., as follows: 1,000; 1,000,000. Not so in the year: in 1975.


20 October 2002; 14 Marhashvan 5763. In a bibliographic item (for example, indicating the date of a newspaper or a letter in the archive) - 20.10.2002. Do not shorten the year to two digits.


Do not use acronyms that are not read as a word. To abbreviate words or names in Hebrew, use only a single quotation (for one letter) or double quotation marks (for more than one letter – it should be placed before the last letter). Do not use periods in Hebrew for abbreviations.

Footnote numbers in text

When there is a footnote number and a punctuation mark in sequence, the punctuation mark will come before the footnote number. An asterisk comment comes at the top of the list of comments and it refers to the whole article / chapter; Do not mark an asterisk in the title.

Page numbers in bibliographic references

In quoting or referring to specific things of other scholars one should bring page numbers of the matter in question. Do not use the forms 'onwards' / ff., but specify exact numbers. When referring to an entire essay, it is not necessary to specify page numbers.

Bibliography of books in the Humanities

Books that are monographs will have a bibliographic list at the end of the book, and all references in the body of the book will be to items on the list. Do not list items that do not have references. If necessary, a separate list of "additional bibliography" can be added.

Bibliographic abbreviations

The above bibliographic list will be presented as a list of abbreviations, and the references in the body of the book will be to these abbreviations.

The abbreviation will be written according to the rules of spelling without punctuation, even if the word in the title of the book / article is a different written body. The name of the book itself should be copied as written in the book. In the bibliographic item line, the abbreviation will follow first, followed by the full details of the item.

The list will be arranged in alphabetical order of abbreviations. If their authors have more than one item on the list, each item should be abbreviated in full. Do not write in the abbreviation "above, ...".

Bibliographic references

Any reference to the appearance of a place should be referred to using the bibliographic abbreviation. Do not refer to previous comments in which the item was mentioned (using "above note ..."), but indicate the full abbreviation again. In a subsequent reference to the same abbreviation, write: there (instead of the entire abbreviation); In a subsequent reference to another abbreviation of the same author it should be written: above, [the word from the other abbreviation].

When referring to an entire essay, it is not necessary to specify page numbers. This includes a reference to the article, since its page numbers are indicated in the bibliography.

In books that are compilations or journals the referral mechanism is different from monographs. There will not be a bibliographic list for the volume or for each article separately, but the bibliographic details of the references will be included in full in the first footnote in the article referring to them. If there is a repeated reference in the same article to the same item, indicate the author's name (write it in Hebrew) and refer to the first comment in which the full details.

Examples of bibliographic items

Book by author / authors

Yehuda Razabi, Borrowed Motifs in Jewish Literature, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2007.

Please note: Full first names are preferred; Name of the book in Hebrew - without special marking; It is preferable to indicate the name of the publisher, but if it is not available, then list the city and the year of publication not separated by a comma (Jerusalem 5761) (if the Hebrew year is given in the title pages then list that).

A book by an author, who also has an editor

Max Joseph, Judaism at the Crossroads: A Word on the Vital Question to the Strong and the Noble of the Jewish People, edited by George Y. Kohler, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2018

Book with editor / editors

Avidov Lipsker and Rella Kushelevsky (eds.), Studies in Jewish Narrative, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2006

Note: Four or more editors should be noted as follows: Moshe Bar-Asher and others (eds.),

Article in a volume or chapter in an author's book

Chana Kronfeld, "’To Breathe Through Both Nostrils’: Towards a Joint Literary Historiography of Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature," Yigal Schwartz et al. (eds.), Reflections on Booklore: Studies Presented to Avidov Lipsker, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2020, pp. 145–160

Journal article

Barak Avirbach, " An Addition to the Hebrew Dictionaries Following Research on Medieval Hebrew," Hebrew Linguistics 74 (2020), pp. 7-25

Doctoral or graduate work

Zohar Amar, "Crops of the Land of Israel in the Middle Ages: Description and Transformations", Doctoral Thesis, Bar-Ilan University, 2004

Please note: The full name of the university should be indicated, not the name of the city.

References to ancient essays

Bible: Genesis 1, 19 / Genesis 19.

New Testament: Matthew 1: 1

Quran: Surat al-Bakra (2), 15 / Surat al-Bakra 15 / Sura 2, 15.

All ways are possible, and the whole book must be adhered to in one method. When bringing a translation, indicate the name of the translator in parentheses.

Spelling and punctuation

According to the rules of the Hebrew Language Academy as written and as spoken. But Hebrew first names or foreign names whose owners write them in Hebrew should be written according to the tradition of their writing or as the author wrote, and not necessarily according to the rules. A single author will write about himself in the first person singular: as I mentioned, in my opinion, I use etc. Addressing readers can be in the singular form (see, compare, etc.) or in the plural form (see, compare, etc.), provided that throughout the book one method is taken consistently. When talking about a public, some people should not list males and females together (for example, do not write "readers"). In Hebrew, the masculine gender is also used to denote the ordinary gender. Anyone who is bothered by this grammatical matter for ideological reasons can point out at the outset of his book that all speech is directed at both men and women unless explicitly stated otherwise. Try to write Hebrew words and not foreign words as much as possible. It is advisable to minimize citations. It is usually possible to bring from the words of others in a paraphrase (abbreviated) with a mirror appearance. In special cases, when the source words are important for some reason, it is possible to quote (narrowing down to the relevant part only). Quote from a text that is not in Hebrew - it is highly recommended to translate into Hebrew.