President's Prize Terms and Conditions 2024-תשפ"ד

Bar-Ilan University Press is pleased to announce the University President's Prize, which will be awarded to an original research book written in Hebrew and submitted to Bar-Ilan University Press.

The purpose of the award is to honor and encourage excellent research writing that also appeals to the general educated public. The writing and publication of these works and essays, at the highest level, connects academia with the world outside it, and exposes its research innovations to diverse communities.

The award committee, consisting of renowned researchers who are leaders in their field, will examine the essays submitted to it according to three indicators:

· Originality

The originality of the essay and its significant contribution to the field of research it deals with.

· Quality

The academic level of the essay as expressed in the research method, inference methods and its position at the forefront of the scientific field.

· Interest and exposure

The significance of the subject of the essay to the educated public, the clarity of the writing and the degree of interest it will arouse in a wide readership.


A. The amount of the prize money for the first place winner will be NIS 30,000.

B. The amount of the prize money for the second place winner will be NIS 10,000.

C. If no book is found worthy of winning the prize, the prize will not be awarded this year.

D. The Prize Committee reserves the right to distribute the winning funds in a different manner.

E. The Prize Committee will be able to commend outstanding essays that did not win the award.

F. The Prize Committee may propose to worthy essays that are presented to it, but that do not win a prize, to be published by Bar-Ilan University Press, and that an amount of up to NIS 5,000 be dedicated to participating in the cost of producing the book, subject to section 14 below.

Main submission conditions

Submitting submissions

1. Submission of the applications for the nomination for the prize may be made up to 1 May 2024 (23 Nisan 5784). 

2. Only complete manuscripts can be submitted, which are well written and edited linguistically and stylistically according to the publishing requirements. Detailed instructions for submitting the manuscripts can be found on the publishing house's website. In the first instrance, the author will send two printed copies to the publisher as well as a digital copy to press.office@biu.ac.il. Additional copies will be per the publisher's request. Printed copies will not be returned to the author.

3. The author must enclose a resume and essay summary (up to 300 words), and a signed letter of commitment (download).

4. Candidates for the award may submit manuscripts in Hebrew, which have not yet been published and for which no contract has been signed.

5. Theses and doctoral dissertations will not be accepted in their original form, unless they have been carefully worked out to be formulated and edited as a reference book that meets the above criteria.

6. To the extent that chapters from the book have previously been published on research forums, it is necessary to specify where they were published and to indicate the novelty in the text of the book in comparison with the published articles. A book based entirely on articles that have already been published will not be accepted.

7. It is recommended that the manuscript does not exceed 350 pages (and a reasonable number of images). In special cases where the scope of the essay is greater, or its production is exceptionally expensive, the book's candidacy will nevertheless be considered. 

Winning the award and publishing the book

8. A condition for winning the prize is the publication of the book by Bar-Ilan University Press. Contestants are not required to publish the book in this publishing house if they do not win the prize.

9. Production costs will be deducted from the prize money by Bar-Ilan University Press.

10. The submitter of a book for the prize will be required to make a written commitment not to negotiate with another publisher and not to submit as a candidate for another prize until the names of the winners are published.

11. Authors associated with Bar-Ilan University Press or members of the Award Committee may not submit manuscripts to the Award Competition.

12. The publisher will be entitled to ask the winning author to make changes to the manuscript, including changing the name of the manuscript, as a condition for announcing the winning and publishing the book.

13. The winning author is committed to arranging copyright for non-original materials, and will be responsible for providing indexes at the appropriate production stage.

14. The awarding of the prize and the publication of the book by Bar-Ilan University Press are intertwined, and are conditional on:

A. The signing of a publishing agreement between the author and Bar-Ilan University Press, or another publisher chosen by it, which regulates the transfer of copyright in the work and the royalties.

B. If corrections are required, the revised manuscript will be submitted to the publisher in accordance to the editorial comments no later than six months after the announcement of the win.

C. The revised manuscript will be submitted along with abstracts in Hebrew and English, edited and revised at the author's expense.

D. The above manuscript and abstracts will be submitted for professional editing and proofreading by the publisher.

E. In exceptional cases, the publisher may grant an extension for the time mentioned above in paragraph B.

15. The cash prize will be awarded to the author after approval of the final manuscript for production, subject to university procedures and regulations.

16. In submitting the manuscript, the author declares that the manuscript is his original work, that he is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights arising from it, and that these rights have not been transferred or encumbered by any third party.

17. The manuscript opinion will not be given to the authors unless the manuscript is awarded a prize or published as part of the publication - with the readers' consent. In any case, the reader's privacy will be maintained unless the reader has approved its removal.

18. In the process of submitting, reading and judging the manuscripts that will be submitted, the principle of anonymity will be maintained and the publishing house will ensure the confidentiality of the identity of the authors and judges alike (double-blind refereeing process).

19. The publisher will produce the book and publish it within about a year from the date of receipt of the final manuscript for production and signing of a contract.