East and Maghreb IV

East and Maghreb IV
Researches in the History of the Jews in the Orient and North Africa
Edited by: Haim Z. Hirschberg, Haim Z. Hirschberg, Shimon Schwarzfuchs

This series of essays and articles by experts in almost every field of Eastern Jewish life and thought - Sociology, History, Philosophy, Kabbalah, Responsa and Linguistics - does much to fill some of the lacunae in the anatomy of world Jewish culture.

Danacode:   110-10090 ISBN:  965-226-048-7 Language:   Hebrew Pages:   176 Weight:   500 gr Dimensions:  16X23 cm Publication Date:   01/1987 Publisher:   Bar-Ilan University Press

Haim Zafrani Profil intellectuel du Lettré Juif et de son congénère Musulman au Maghreb (du 16e au 20e siècle) VII

J. P. Filippini Juifs émigrés et immigrés dans le port de Livourne pendant la période Napoléonienne XXXI

English Summaries XCIII

Hebrew Section

Paul B. Fenton (Yenon) From the Geniza: Prayers for the Authorities  7

Moshe Amar Rabbi Aharon ibn Hayyim of Fez  23

Moshe Amar A Description of the Collection of the Responsa of Rabbi Estruc ibn Sandji and the Sages of his Generation (Ginsburg 548–1016)  37

Moshe Hallamish The Book "Lehem Shelomo" and its Author R. Shelomo b. David Ha'cohen  61

Benjamin Bar-Tikva The Bakasha Prayers of Rabbi Ya'akov Ibn-Zur  71

Yehuda Ratzaby Deeds from the Sana' Beth-Din in the Eighteenth Century  79

Ephraim Hazan Hebrew and Aramaic in the Poetry of R. David ben Aharon Hasin – The Poet of Moroccan Jewry  111

Summaries  125

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